티스토리 뷰

Let's review was also proposed measures with a high-level consultations, he also answers Let's try to find a solution through all possible ways Abe. November 04, 2019 presidential spokesman gominjeong 5. We will be briefed on ASEAN-related summit meetings juhyeongcheol economic adviser briefing this ASEAN-related summit highlights and expected outcomes. Moon Jae Shin, President enhance Southern policy as a responsible regional and medium-sized countries to the Peace Process


It is a medical judgment that watch for up to one year. Articles won a treatment for trauma and trauma teams vying for the treatment chongak soldiers is not the first time. I was the last foreign team to treat the soldiers cut wrist in a similar type of treatment May, the soldiers are the state was recovered enough to write letters to the wrist which was now cut off. November has come Soldiers rushed to the explosion have been the rehabilitation through the hands of the trauma team. Armed Forces Headquarters duty military service members Sanya occasion of this day can be treated promptly hurt always use a helicopter at one point

If taken action, I think the international community should also demonstrate a behavior to match. I suggest the "International Peace jidaehwa 'across the back of the demilitarized zone on the Korean Peninsula in a speech last United Nations General Assembly. If the international community is with removing mines in the demilitarized zone and the United Nations Organization and other international organizations have deuleoseoge will be able to perform the functions of the security on the Korean peninsula. The guarantee North Korea's security to institutions and reality and South Korea also will get permanent peace at the same time. Peace on the Korean Peninsula will be to contribute to Northeast Asia and ASEAN, peace and prosperity in the Pacific Rim. EAS is hoping it together in joint action for the International Peace jidaehwa 'DMZ

But the JSA contains two of the commentary there is no hamkkehan commentary with actors, film critic yeotdeonga director Park Chan-wook. Anyway, like I have dubbed version and one person directing bumming a video commentary. Thus a total of three versions in addition to the image. . Turn on the saw's four seniors at home before all this three times to Blu-ray ... blah downed funny itneunge hear them talking in the movie look back in their joteunge commentary on Blu-ray. geolro commentary was also a three yeotdeonga memories of murder remember ... this movie directors and actors + + director commentary and extended sections commentary so ... just so real and jjeol Empty impact there



Rijun evaluation join window jokes to interfere in the imminent situation will be rather lower the excitement, chemical reactions that are the hero en kimyeo brew is not as hot as lava. In some scenes the "Joint Security Area JSA 'and' steel rain 'many movies painted a meeting of the North and the South, as emerges once. It seems like you've already seen and heard. Rijun plain way when "kkyuti petit," he call joinchang, then when rijun plain line joins the ending of South drama was heard wondering window. Sinpa the moment does not fall in the Korean disaster movie does not function effectively as much in this movie. Some to tears teojyeoya

E-commerce, intellectual property rights such consultations are underway as well. One country has heard this Government-US FTA amendment fermentation ('19 .1), 1-0 FTA ratification ('19 .10), one-Israel FTA settlement ('19 .8), one - had won the Central American FTA fermentation ('19 .10), etc. Performance , through which we followed dwaeseo be signed in 55 countries and 16 cases of FTA reach 77% of world GDP in Chile (89%), Peru (81%) to build the world's third largest FTA network. ※ Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Panama (currently in Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica fermentation) also recently in Indonesia CEPA (Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement) was a real breakthrough declaration ('19 .10), Malaysia,


This information will be reflected. Han River - Mekong Moon Jae second declaration in September when the president announced a tour of Southeast Asia is expected to strengthen the Mekong future cooperation based damgil plan - 'one-Mekong Vision concrete measures and a variety of. On the basis of such documents it is planning to pursue the various excavations and projects. Next, we will present some of the key words and projects promoted by Summit Instruments. First one - the bilateral FTA negotiations, including Indonesia CEPA. The world's population growth over the four were real potential breakthrough high with Indonesia in October CEPA, special occasion of the final settlement Summit

Thing was done the next morning. The trauma team led by Major finished a major operation to insert a cement containing antibiotics to prevent infection of the surgical around 7:06 in the morning. Look after surgery attached to the left arm of Corporal Kim., Who led the [Armed Forces Hospital also provides] the treatment of the Major "rapid patient transport and various specialist


There is. Talent is one of Asia are gilreonae the hope for the future. South Korea is expanding the science and engineering university training and vocational training of the teacher invited ASEAN. In particular, the ASEAN +3 talent exchange program of "Ames (AIMS) Program was expanded to participating universities doubled this year, invited ASEAN vocational training teachers and students next year, such as conducting" technical vocational education and training (TVET) 'Talent We will further widen the width of the positive cooperation. Here and I hope to realize "East Asian Community" in the "people-oriented" advanced by investment for future generations.


Short film 'eventful' director made with his brother bakchangyeong director was also screened. Hans said the 29-year-old came to see the 'parasite' with friends Cannes Film Festival Palme d'Or winner then he came blossomed this "curious". Among those still while the 'Old Boy' in Korea Movie Night directors as a representative is to watch movies Korea frequently in Norway, but when screened in cinemas

