티스토리 뷰

It would not be written for educational purposes. -> Because the operating company as many sseuneunge return the money, such as tolerance, vehicles, real estate. I have absolutely no training. -> fingering forgot Hou also asked to be considered as part of the registration accounting wealth accumulation, but did write Rani embarrassing for educational purposes. => Han Dang Now the opposite, because when they're de many donations from private kindergartens. 4. Feed the transparent -> Laced with a 3 and 1. -> I do not know my father will make mistakes. Teachers but jugeona having to take a picture up or send every meal, and often comes to my brother ttongguk syeotdeon jeomeu de silttae. > Meals teachers must solve as meals in the kindergarten. (Reducing ingredients) ->

Park, Yong - Jin "History Foundation Na Kyung-won came after the law Kindergarten containment Na Kyung-won," Min Sik this process 法 One point in favor of the plenary session ... Kindergarten is not gotta Act 3 "Now Wana shocking reason of Han Dang Philly Buster hyeonta Onega ... MBC) hangukdang Kindergarten Act yeokjuhaeng [II] hangukdang today plenary crazy with some chaekimron the ruling Liberal pilbeo Philly Buster apply to all situations agenda and warm people to Yoido can not do without me even

Open to changes agreed to handle the three kindergartens and civil law sikyibeop. The election law, gongsucheo assumption may be withdrawn 'this. Here is Han Dang I can not get it. The History tycoon Na Kyung-won the Queen is eager to stop in fact because three laws kindergarten nor the election law also gongsucheo. And in that moment, the party Han Dang intent is revealed in front of the whole nation that the law prevented the kindergartens and private kindergartens corruption asylum. Inde parliamentarians are of course the budget resolution next year to the wise ... he comes this time to watch one doing dressage dressage citizens to do so. - heoheo heoheo .... - Kindergarten Law, Election Law, Law gongsucheo than yeoseo squat ... getneyo take heart attack.

The last day of the regular session. And what Dec. 11 to open the temporary National Assembly to pass the day ... gongsucheo law, election law, the kindergarten law, such as civil sikyibeop. The'll. Or 12, 13, ... moment gongsucheo law was passed. Yunseokyeol sees would make voluntary resignation. I was nearing a turning point. (Something Is not plausible) ... (efforts to) you guys are gonna be living a life savor, such as meal flock rainy tough ㅈ no car, why not ???? piece offenders Oh, I know ... I'm sorry, O worm pups are definitely guys and the gals grow brat

Should cooperate to pass, "he .....% EC% 9C% A0% EC% B9% 98% EC% 9B% 903% EB% B2% 95 Liberals stressed ... ... and Han Yu gun. ?-side ...: .... bugeul bugeul ... ?? Claiming the process, defined not only condemned the motherland, I silent on "Improving the social system." If the system and the system unchanged, even after two hundred years our society is fair, justice is not displacing. 1) sahakbeop kindergarten amendment 2) the prosecution's investigation, prosecution monopoly rights abolished 3) groups sosongje introducing punitive damages 4) senior officials

That's parliament squat than a horror movie. I'll put some woohwangcheongsimhwan or four. Properly criticized kindergartens 3. amendment tricks of freedom hangukdang. Na Kyung-won is on the agenda of about 200 cases being submitted to the plenary session sahakbeop related to accused parties and, Hwang Kyo-ahn's Han Yu total of counsel was a cut shows the horse's Park, Yong - Jin Rep charimyeon national mental so good geoneyo free hangukdang 29 days' Kindergarten 3 Act, etc. I applied for an 'unlimited discussions' (Philly Buster). Parliament said, "Today was the unlimited debate in the National Assembly uisagwa apply to all matters," he said. That's because the law eventually kindergarten Sat waedeul also the palchon family laws History

After work it off the query about the situation without dying hanjeongae lawmakers are crying so the trick is to grunge sudden cry because outrageous stomach. Expressed anger about the most basic way people are dying, and it is limited to the legislative authority by incumbent and the relevant ministries (Ministry of Labor) and not complain to complain Minister

The laws of palchon savor fall right understanding maneuni are History Foundation ㅉㅉ per person for five minutes trying to do ?? Sahakbeop, guys bustling process definitions without kindergarten amendment is either a fool, the same crooks, or go to the standoff .... go even two Philly Buster vote from election laws governing the media are a public welfare law is made back to the political confrontation he was the only Democrat kkalgeo budget Min Sik kindergarten Act, etc. If the data processing burden on the fight deolgo Democrats then ... I do it less fast-processing law and also to fight the firestorm Dame decisions that Democratic leaders linked rate as 250.50 juneunya or not to take decisions when you encounter negative Democratic party gongsucheo not know this passes dies Hou

The three kindergarten laws prevent death is the reason why private property against the law yunseokyeol said kindergarten is try resignation would make December 11, (brain pisyeol) 1 bay bugs why on earth portions Min sikyibeop? mbc kbs only doedo normalization changes the terrain This opinion Na Kyung-won, "Min Sik this process 法 One point in favor of the plenary session ... not gotta Kindergarten Act 3" Kindergarten Act GNP amendment containing the mystery of the father! Now Han Dang said the law prevents Philly Buster kindergarten application [II] hangukdang today plenary eopjyo Philly Buster apply for a 'fair', 'justice' of our society forever in all matters civil Democrats welfare legislation sikyibeop

: We have tried to measure people's livelihood first plenary yeoleojum Democrats do not blame the Democrats! (??????????? the consumer when processing a bill before Democrats Thank pilbeo not apply any legislation haenotgo destroy all existing agreements and eoke believe it? Dont eotneunde overturn it agreed somewhat agreed Kindergarten Act gongsucheo? ? After passing the civil sikyibeop to be another bill yet ?? pilbeo that, can not vote in modifications. modifications must issue final bill therefore requires the plenary session just four non-party) 6. Liberal-friendly
